The northern Kitsap Peninsula is a reminder of the diversity of Puget Sound's coastline. Most of the shore consists of bluffs built of glacial and other late Pleistocene sediments, but variation in the geologic details, the topography, the exposure, and the nature of the beach make simple generalizations tough.
We covered a lot of shoreline and I've included several different locations in this single post - the bold heading links to a map.
Kingston. Parts of the shoreline north of Kingston were the site of big deep-seated landslides in the 1970s (and probably every few decades for millennia before that - we just didn't notice).
North of Apple Cove Point. Apple Cove Point itself is a barrier sporting many large homes at sea level (20th century sea level, that is), but the bluffs to the north of it are the kind of mess only a geologist can appreciate. Very large landslides in the late 1990s impacted several proposed building sites - better the slopes failed before the homes were built than after!
Indianola to Point Jefferson. Beautiful south-facing bluffs, though lots of variety between the high bluffs in Indianola and the lower till bluffs east of Doe Kag Wats (the beautiful barrier estuary in the middle of this reach).
Seabold. These bluffs on the northwest side of Bainbridge are among the few stretches of high bluff on the island not buttressed in rock. Classic Puget Sound bluffs - heavily forested, slow but not negligible erosion, subject to shallow slides and occasional larger slumps, and lined with big houses and nervous property owners. But the beaches are what they are supposed to be - lots of sediment, lots of wood, looking like a shoreline, not a canal. Too bad many people's view of the shoreline environment is a view, not the environment. The trees go down and the seawalls go up.
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