Saturday, November 16, 2013


The U.S. - Mexican border is marked by a big fence, recently updated, that marches out through the surf zone. The steel slats are spaced sufficiently far apart that they seemed to have little effect on either the breaking waves or on the passage of sand.

The beach south of the border is a heavily developed bluff. The beach on the U.S. side is a wonderful undeveloped stretch of barrier beach that continues 2 or 3 miles north before hitting the beach homes on the south end of Imperial Beach.


I had the U.S. side pretty much to myself early last Friday morning.  Me, a bunch of birds, and a Border Patrol guy in a jeep, watching for wayward beach drift.

I didn't think about it at the time, but this beach is a nice geographic complement to a few others I've posted about since I began blogging - I've pretty much hit all four corners of the continental U.S.  Cape Flattery (WA), Herring Cove (NB), Florida Keys.  More about this on the other blog:  hshipman.

Or another comparison, here's the U.S. - Canadian Border at Point Roberts:  Monument Park.

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