Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bush Point

Unfortunately, my Canon was filled with salt water, the normal backup camera I keep in the car wasn't in the car, and all I had left was the camera on my cellphone, which just didn't do the late afternoon light much justice.  I stopped at Libbey Beach, Ebey's Landing, Camp Casey, and Keystone Spit to watch the waves rolling southward down Admiralty Inlet (I've included a couple of cell phone pictures at the bottom of this post).

Bush Point was my last stop before the light ran out and I had to head for the Clinton ferry.  The wind was howling from the north and locals were pulling up and letting their children and their dogs out to stand in the spray.  Waves were crashing into the old restaurant/inn, launching themselves up through the decking of the wharf, and blowing over the two-story structure in big sheets.

Bush Point - one month ago

The tide was scheduled to peak a bit higher than 10' MLLW around 4PM (when I arrived), but the surge added more than a foot (here's the Seattle record), so the the water was right around MHHW.  Imagine if this storm had arrived on a 2' higher tide!


Ebey's Landing
Camp Casey

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