Thursday, September 22, 2011

West Edmonton

This is a blog about beaches and I have sometimes gone out of my way to find beaches where others might not expect to find them.  There's not much to say about this one, other than it's a pretty popular place.  It doesn't have some of the dynamic aspects that attract me to most beaches - but I guess there's no troublesome erosion, either.  Unlike most freshwater beaches in this part of Alberta, it doesn't freeze in the winter.  The waves come and go, generated by some sort of mysterious force behind the proverbial curtain.  It's surrounded by the 800 or so stores of the West Edmonton Mall.

The previous days have seen few beaches, other than the one at Clear Lake that I previously posted about, but we've seen many rivers, all of which are captured (if only briefly) in my other blog.  The Missouri River (Chamberlain, SD), the Cannon River (Northfield, MN), and the Mississippi River (St. Paul, MN) all drain into the Gulf of Mexico. The Red and the Assiniboine (Winnipeg), the South Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), and the North Saskatchewan (Edmonton) all flow into Hudson Bay, via the Nelson River.

Blogger/Google has changed some things, which explains my occasional playing with different thumbnail sizes and layouts.  It also means that the link to the map/aerial that I've traditionally provided by clicking on the title of the post, is now done by clicking on the location at the bottom of the post.

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