Thursday, July 12, 2018


The Lista Lighthouse (Fyr) sits at the southwestern corner of the Lista Peninsula near the southern tip of Norway. We were staying in Farsund, just east, and drove out after dinner. There's not much of a beach, and I didn't get down to water's edge anyway, but the shoreline itself was fascinating.


The broad coastal strip slopes very gradually to the sea and is strewn with large boulders. I suspect that this is a moraine, but I don't know enough about the regional glacial history to speculate more about its origin. 

The aerial photography suggests that in some places cobbles have been rearranged by waves to form indistinct berms, but for the most part the boulders seem to be scattered randomly and the waves don't seem to have had the persistence to create any real shoreline morphology. I suppose this is due to the durability of the underlying surface and the lack of mobile sediment, perhaps combined with an emerging coastline?

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