Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sharp Park

The northern portion of Pacifica is dominated by high bluffs, but the southern part is divided into a series of low bank reaches, separated by high rocky headlands. Sharp Park is one of these low neighborhoods. Beach Boulevard follows the water atop an impressive seawall. The fishing pier is high enough to stay clear of all but the largest winter waves - conditions were a little rougher on my previous visit (January 2013).


Laguna Salada lies behind the barrier beach south of here. A riprap sea dike protects the lagoon and the golf course from big storms - at least for the moment. It's too bad the rock dike couldn't be replaced with an artificial dune, but for that to work, I suspect it would also have to be shifted farther inland, which might require changes to the golf course. So it's not likely to happen until a lot more money has been spent beefing up the rock. Fortunately, not every year is an El Nino. 

For another post about eroding beaches and golf courses:
Doughmore Beach: 2018

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