Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Inch Beach

Castlemaine Harbour, at the head of Dingle Bay, is separated from the outer part of the bay by two opposing spits: Inch Spit, on the north, and Rossbeigh Strand, on the south. There is actually another feature, likely an older spit, east of Rossbeigh at Cromane. The aerial view shows this all very nicely.


Inch Spit extends south out into the bay from the Dingle Peninsula. The sandy spit contrasts with the rock coastline of the peninsula itself. Waves coming into the bay from the west graze the shallower water along the shore and there was a long train of waves wrapping into the corner at the base of the spit.

We didn't stop long - just a quick view. Our next stop would be at its southern counterpart, on the other side of the bay.

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