Wednesday, September 28, 2016


This trip reminded me that Ireland is on the western edge of Europe, and therefore it is also on the eastern edge of the North Atlantic Ocean, where huge storms and big waves are common. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the association of Ireland and surfing, but we saw a lot of places catering to surfers (or people wanting to learn), all along the west coast of Ireland.

We didn't see any surfers during our brief side trip to Mullaghmore Head, but I understand that it's a popular draw for the big wave surfing community.


These photos capture several very different spots around the edge of this rocky little peninsula. The big sandy beach and dunes on the inside, the jettied harbour in front of town, and the very exposed rocky headland, cut into tilted Carboniferous (300 million years'ish) sandstones.

I like this shot (maybe not the photo itself, but its geologic composition), particularly the younger, softer units, perched on the dipping slab. It seems amazing they haven't already slipped into the sea!

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