Friday, July 03, 2015

Seahurst Park

I visited Seahurst Park three times this spring - once between meetings in other places, once for a meeting at the park, and once for a great sunset with M after an impromptu trip to Zippy's Burgers in White Center. These photos date to first of these, way back in the third week of April.

The work at the north end was largely wrapped up at the end of last summer (Seahurst: August 2014) and the beach has had a winter to begin to sort itself out.  The beach itself looks nice - with the well-sorted gravel giving way to bands and patches of sandier material. The berm has readjusted a little, possibly at the expense of the skinny back-beach wetland, and the restored stream mouth is looking very natural, with flow disappearing into the gravel berm.

The south end shows little evidence of the old seawall that was removed in 2005 and I think most folks wouldn't have a clue of its history. The beach itself looks fine, but the toe of the bluff looks quite different than the toe of the unaltered bluff south of the park. That would be fun to come back and elaborate on in a future post when I can do a better comparison.

Guerrilla Films has just released a nice documentary about the park and its restoration:
Local Treasure: Trailer on Vimeo

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