Thursday, April 02, 2015

Otter Bay

This was our last stop before getting in line for the ferry back to the mainland. We parked off of Niagara Road and M read in the car while I walked the muddy trail down to this small beach in a northern corner of Otter Bay.


It's a small, sandy pocket beach.  I suspect the sandiness is due to steep slopes and a small stream that supply it with upland sediment and to its pocket nature, which keeps the sand from leaving once it arrives at the beach.

This is the last of my Pender Island posts and I should make two acknowledgements.  The first is to Theo Dombrowsi, whose Secret Beaches of the Salish Sea (The Southern Gulf Islands) has been a valuable resource, both here and on Salt Spring Island.  The other is to the Pender Island Parks and Recreation Commission and its volunteers, who have done a wonderful job of making so many beaches available, of marking them well, and of maintaining the trails and stairways.

In usual fashion, all nine of my Pender Island posts are labeled, and can be found at:
Gravel Beach [Pender Island]

Finally, this is the 700th post to Gravel Beach since December of 2005. The collection keeps growing and I trust that it is occasionally helping someone to stumble on a new beach or to look at an old beach differently.

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