Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Boundary Pass Drive

This was one of many nicely marked public beach access points around Pender - at the end of a short trail between residential properties. This particular one was a short walk from the cabin where we were staying on South Pender.


If it had been swash-aligned, it would have been a very nice pocket beach, but the predominant waves probably arrive obliquely and are further complicated by a lot of offshore islets and reefs. There's not much sand and gravel - just a thin band at the base of the bank - and the shore is mainly cobbles that probably roll around in storms, but don't go too far.

The central portion of the beach was backed by a low bluff of glacial material, eroding into someone's treeless lawn.  A new stairway was being built at the far end of the beach to replace one that had succumbed to falling trees and possibly a collapsed bank.

The most intriguing thing was the spherical boulders or concretions weathering out of the sandstone.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool concretions!
    and love the Penders...did you get in any paddling? Plumper Sound is so amazing and its fun to paddle between the islands!
