Saturday, March 08, 2014


Two weeks ago (I hope readers don't think this blog is live - or even almost live), I was on Vashon to give a talk and had a chance to swing by Dockton, where another small restoration project has just happened.  For the "before," check out my post from a few years ago:

Dockton: May 2008

Note that the restoration project is just west of the boat ramp and county park - there is another, larger restoration project just waiting to happen under that parking lot!

The county has recently pulled out the old riprap and excvated an s-shaped channel to capture the upland runoff.  The hydrology may be defined as much by culverts under the road (which lies just uphill) as by the original stream network.  The result is a small stream mouth estuary - or what will become one. Besides the channel, the beach berm has been reshaped to form a small spit.  Waves (what few there are here) and tides will spend a year or two reshaping the berm, but the bulk of the changes from here on out will be in the vegetation and in what ever fauna choose to colonize or pass through.  It will be fun to watch.


1 comment:

  1. Laird O'RollinsJune 02, 2014 9:07 AM

    Glad you got a chance to see it, Hugh. Looking forward to seeing the changes at Dockton and to any further observations you have.

    --Laird O'Rollins
