Monday, May 09, 2011

Blowers Bluff

I need to explore this beach with a better geologist along - one who really understands the complex stratigraphy and sedimentary tales exposed on these spectacular high cliffs. The first, and last, time I walked this beach was with better geologists, but I'm afraid I took too few notes and remember too little.

The cliffs keep getting higher as you round the corner from Penn Cove and the number of layers keeps growing. There are wonderful layered bedded fluvial sediments, presumably from some earlier interglacial floodplain. There are coarse gravels and glacial tills and layers containing giant chunks of other layers - the latter must be a fascinating story. There are peat beds peaking through the cobbles on the mid beach. And there are many small and large boulders - the largest of which I'll save for the next post.

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