Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Singing Sands

The northeastern shore of the Bruce Peninsula is steep, with the escarpment plunging into Georgian Bay. The southwestern shore is low, as the dolostone layers dip gradually into Lake Huron. This leads to an irregular shoreline with promontories and inlets. There's also sand (eroded from glacial deposits on the upland and delivered to the shore by streams), something I didn't see at all on the other side of the peninsula.

Singing Sands is the name given to the dunes and broad beach at the head of Dorcas Bay. The already broad beach is even broader thanks to the recent low lake levels. Plants are already colonizing the new flats. Sand is juxtaposed with the carbonate bedrock. In Hawaii in April, I saw sandy beaches on 120,000 year old limestone (on 5 million year old islands). Here, the beach lies on top of 400 million year old limestone.

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