Wednesday, April 19, 2006


This was once Flounder Bay, southwest of Anacortes. It is now Skyline Marina and the surrounding community (click on the title of the post to see the aerial). In the 1920s, there was a huge lumber mill built over the beach, remnants of which are still visible. Later there was a seaplane base. And in the late 1960's modern Skyline began to take form. It is one of several "canal" style developments that occurred during that period - others include Lagoon Point on Whidbey, Shelter Cove in La Conner, and Birch Bay Village. All were originally large coastal wetlands.

The historic maps show the original inlet to Flounder Bay at it's western, downdrift end, but at some point, the inlet was moved to the eastern end (never let nature get in the way of convenience). The eastern jetties isolate the spit from it's sediment source. In addition, the extensive fill placed on the spit probably buried whatever sand-gravel beach once existed. All that's left in front of the seawall is a starved cobble beach and old riprap. Maybe it's a good thing that the public access is limited! In another place and time, this would still be a natural spit and salt marsh and a park or it would be a developed spit with a destination resort, lots of public access, and a great beach. Either of which would be preferable to what we ended up with.

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