Tuesday, March 07, 2006

San Juan Island

South Beach, American Camp. From the color of the logs, you can see which ones arrived or moved around during last month's storms. The road down at Cattle Point is still there, although I expect to see renewed erosion over the next year or two thanks to higher tides and recent storms. Time to move the road, although that will be neither cheap nor simple, given the visual landscape of the area.

False Bay. Just a couple miles northwest of South Beach, this broad embayment is an anomaly. Broad sandy bars across a cobble-strewn platform. Olympic Mountains in the distance.

Westcott Bay. It's been a bad few years for eelgrass in Westcott Bay, maybe due to sediment changes, but meanwhile, in the forest and meadows above the salt marsh new flora and fauna are taking hold. Westcott Bay Sculpture Park

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